Mich: yar, you know I really wish I was there too=( And wish I was with you too=( haha oh well, enjoy yourself okay dear? Eat alot please, don't you dare not put on weight!! Glad you liked the card!! And the wobbly handwriting haha. Okay will send pics when I see you online!!
Poi!! and Cherie: Since the both of you are mis-using my tagboard (because you're obviously supposed to be talking to me and not to each other), I shall reply the both of you together haha. OEI how can like that. You're both just lazy, go write e-mail to each other lar! haha. Anyway, I miss the both of you!! (I wonder why) Still remember Sakai Sushi, and our wishes at Taka fountain? Which I made the both of you do, I think!! yeah. I miss telling the both of you my err. secrets hehe, getting advice which I don't really heed, and just being honest with you both. teehee. And oh, you got see me cry before meh? (
got meh, got meh? -fumes) Of course I'll change my name lar, not as if it's not my name also right?! (I bet you don't know what I'm trying to say) byebye. haha. loooveee!:) Have fun laughter peace and joy, *** and harmony!! (courtesy of cherie chan)
Yet another city day
A Japanese playing the harmonica, electronic guit and base drum (with his foot) at the same time. Country music! I just think that these buskers bring out the atmosphere along our streets:)

Met with a few of my Taylors' friends..mostly from Msia:) Had lunch @ Ye Shanghai..I like that place! Quieter and more peaceful hehe. And

Love oriental interior designs:)

Headed off to Gloria Jean's for Stefany's free coffee treat, her being a regular there. Missing JH there!:) ps. (
whispers) how come they look so glum haha

Myer's (something like Isetan? haha) christmas display window! Really love their displays every year..how should I put it. The displays move! haha. And this year's about wombats, with about 6 scenes and audio story-telling.

A scene full of animals haha. So cute, they all move:)

The little mini-sized elves working away with their miniature tools.

An anteater eating away...hmm, not too sure what the other 2 animals are called. dingo, wallabee?
After that, we made our way to Crown (again) so I brought them to the Christmas show haha. Then Leonard and I went to the arcade for some kiddy fun. Stress-reliever. We played some shooting game which was rather cool! I'm learning not to die so quickly and to avoid shooting the hostages haha.
With our last few bucks of credit, I went on the motorbike, a childhood favourite. Then Leonard went to play some hitting the red-lighted-buttons game, also played when he was younger. haha. I can imagine the next time we meet again in a few years, he'd be a pilot and I'd be some working professional, and we might still head there to have fun, you know? :)
And oh, now that I can drive, I've kinda lost interest in car-racing haha.

After that, we remaining 5 were rather tired, so we headed off to Bismi (Indian food with seriously Indian music) to eat. That's Stefany's bryani.

My plain roti!!!!! Still prefer Singapore's one
leh.It was a good 7 hours of fun with them. Actually, I wasn't too close to any of them (didn't even know that guy on the far left), and only Angela and Ryan were my classmates. But it's cool how we can all still meet up after a year, talk about technology (okay, like youtube and limewire which I consider technology haha), our future jobs, physics, politics (mainly concerning M'sia and S'pore) and what not. And the best part is, I get to talk in my very very smooth Chinese!!! hehe.
No really, even though I had nothing much to say most of the time, I still very much appreciate the ties that were formed and have been kept in Taylors. Yup, strolling along the city streets with linked arms with Angela just made me happy! :) haha she's so funny. Leonard who visited S'pore often while he was still living in Brunei, claims that he has since been infected with fast-walking. When he was in a hurry to jaywalk, Angela: "eh if you get knocked down, I can't treat you and Charlene won't defend you so you'd better wait".
Can't wait to fly with them on Leonard's plane; he's allowed to take 3 passengers now anyway:)
Just read Cherie's 20th nov post. Although she puts it in such simple words, it struck a chord in me because I believe it to be true. On the point bearing on one of the reasons why one would feel lonely because of isolation (maybe for someone who has unresolved issues with another): where is the fine line between re-opening a can of worms God has closed and keeping silent even though you want to show someone that you truly care? I think humans complicate alot of matters. More so, life as we lead it, seems like a world of oxymorons. Confusing? Maybe one day we'll understand.
It's okay to be weak, because my God is strong. "A Lineage of Grace" by Francine Rivers. Go read it:)