

Have you ever wondered
If you were meant to do
Something extraordinary?

the trusted

  • alicia
  • caleb
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  • us!

  • melvin's life coaching!
  • pastor ken li koh!
  • ocf clayton!
  • christian girls!
  • oprah!
  • __________________

    yak away


    Previous posts

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    Designed Mi
    Fonts Dafont
    Hosting Photobucket

    Until I see You face to face

    Sunday, April 29, 2007

    Taylors Meet-up:)

    The girl I travelled 20km to see, even though she lives 5min away hah!


    Monash Berwick TV (same uni, different campus)

    Ardent supporters of...

    Our Hollywood star for the day!! Wayneee Chua :)

    Berwick is much MUCH nicer than Clayton...

    Bryan, Wayne, Stella!:)

    After Monash TV...

    We weren't welcomed at an unmentionable eatery at the Glen, leaving Bryan to consume his lonely duck, i think...-_-

    So we decided to do a reality check...argh!!

    But after a mere 10minutes of JennyCraig...

    eh, no difference whaaat!

    anw, I took more photos of Stella, but they're too dark to be salvaged. our working girl is leaving for us for one of the big4 accounting firms in sg soon!! =( but hey..we shall catchup:)

    Didi's the best! (and no, it's not the name of an indian shop)...

    A prelude to Mt. Dandenong's Thousand Steps (hearsay 1380, to be exact)

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 11:13 PM

    Dandenong after picnic! :)

    yay food supply!!:))

    2 of my favourite girls:) Jane and Cheryl!

    Temperate forest??

    One of the sweetest beings ever to walk into my life...


    Our Typical Sunday...

    Stella and I!!:)

    Poser 12 year olds...

    with her 19 year old role model...aye.

    Wayne and Bryan with the girl who's leaving us='(

    And the kids rushed in, shocking unsuspecting camera crew...:)

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 10:38 PM

    Friday, April 27, 2007

    Caleb: hey cal!! hahaha how did you get to my blog? yeah, we used to go to the same church and we meet up now and then..she's a nice girl, isn't she? hahahahaha:) hope your housewarming and the eternal-ians meetup was good!:) take care, and hope everything's fine. Follow God's will, and seek Him first okay? :)

    Jia: waah i miss you! :) haha thanks for tagging, made my day haha. what are you doing for the hols? any mission trips? hahaha. must talk to you soon to catchup!! hehehe i'll try..:) take care dear and big hugs:))

    yay! I'm so happy I can't stop smiling at the uni computer..you know the type of smile that you try to hide but can't. haha reminds me of what Jane told me about this guy who innocently smiled when he found out that the girl he liked broke up with her boyfriend. hahaha. sama sama.

    and the reason is...I passed my P's!! yay, so now I can finally drive alone without this familiar droning voice at my left. hahaha

    Thank you Daddy for your patience and help..even though I get irritated sometimes..but you're a fantastic coach!!:) Mummy, I can drive you around now when you come!!

    Praise God yay, my mum's coming soon!!:) Can't wait cos we all miss her so much:)) Have fun in Kuching mummy..enjoy the wonderful food..then come here and replicate the dishes!! Esp. kolo meeeeee...

    And this week has been fun, went for Wayne's Monash TV thingy, then Mount Dandenong with my DG, and later going to the City for a meet-up, and then home cell:) Pictures soon!:)

    But I think the highlight of my week is, my daddy making a fruit salad for me when he found out that I didn't have anything to bring for the picnic at Mt. Dande..heehee. He's also making curry with fish (note: not fish curry per se) topped with carrots and cabbage, for me to bring for home cell cos I don't have time to cook today!! (Amongst other embarrassing reasons)...

    heehee. Check out the South Park pics of my family on Jie's blog..hmm..the details are quite accurate if you're observant!!:)


    heartme` twirled her pencil at 2:51 PM

    Monday, April 23, 2007

    Because of who You are

    Thanks Bryan and Stella!

    You go girl:)

    The ocfers; l-r: Jack, Aaron, El, Melissa, Jas:)

    jie: haha yeah i expected that alr!!:) hmm..im very neat, i just like to set traps for unwelcomed and un-knocking visitors who come to steal clothes, and of course, my authentic jewels...and my thick stack of books and encyclopedias...trying to protect my goodies for ebay:)

    lilien: hey! how are you?? long time no see..where have you been? haha i'll try link you again thru my sis' blog haha..yeah..maybe i'll change over in june after exams hahaha:)

    mich: yar!! so many. like some circus after service hahaha..izrael is extremely cute with all his expressions!! :)heard about the news of 1045..hows everything?

    queen: haha yeah, steep learning for me that week about ministry and what it should really mean to me and all of us:) hope you're feeling better..congrats dear, God is always faithful:))

    hy: yeah!! you're one of the few who've inspired me about kids, so kudos to you..haha. are you still serving in kids church?? :) we should educate nina about the importance of relating well to kids..:)

    nina: haha oei i had ONE only also what!!:)) you're going back in june yeah? you'll have a good break then mahh!! dont compare hols lar..haha brissy has such nice beaches and surf dudes yeah;)

    addie: addie!! how are you?? :) ahh! time to set up my babysitters club huh haha..no i dont wanna look motherly!! hahaha dont say that!! -_-

    shuk: girl!! congrats!! haha..okay quick go get your Ps and drive to clayton!!:)) how's everything dear? you can always email/call me okay..you know that!;) i'll try to meet up with you soon sweetie:)) hope hudson bay's been good, if you're gng there:)

    kare: haha are the canadian and american ones similar, or is there even a slight difference? haha...yeah we'll teach each other! you just have to do this lazy nasal drawl while opening your mouth wide. hahaha. it's quite interesting, this accent thing haha:)oh and i saw your last blog post, im glad you're growing in the Lord..yeah we have so much to thank God for, yet we complain so much. God has brought you this far dear, cont to trust in His promises and will for your life!:)

    alicia: alicia!! haha how was Dublin and your hol? :)) hahaha hope everything's going well for you dear:)) HIII :))

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 3:44 PM

    Sunday, April 15, 2007

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 10:37 PM

    Before I turn LJ (readers may vote 'yes', 'no', or 'you're too lazy anw'), the mood is currently: excited, location: my pretty room as shouted out loud by Queen to Mich, gastrointestinal tract activity: red wine after peanut mnms.

    Back to Uni fever!! Back to extracting details out of the purple-pink highlighted pages, turning them into worthy pieces of healthy tidbits for brain processing.

    Easter break has been good. As you all know, the wonderous visit to Mich's place in the city brought us girlies and boy (Wayne left for par-tee) closer. Casey has been healthy, with normal BP and heart rate. Had lunch with Shin Han, Yan Zhi, Jess Koh and Lai Keong at Chaddy, the city taylors mob. :) Apart from that, Oprah caught up with me and Dr. Phil still gives good advice. I quit Judge Judy's courtroom to manage a couple of crunches and light weight lifting with pink utensils.

    Yesterday, God showed me how much He loved me through my betrayed msn. He brought encouragement and inspiration through my timeless friends. Sometimes I think I'm undeserving of human love, what more His generous love. And amazed.

    I woke up feeling much better and trotted down to Crossway:) It was a good one-on-one time with my God, with several tugs on the heart from Him on the possible consideration of being a regular.

    27th April will be the key to mobility and physical freedom, please pray for mine and jie's practical driving tests!! The red car will be zoom zoom zooming down your street, with promised mango (or banana, whatever!) pudding to the faraway city residers.

    This ends your very undetailed update of the future goings, due to a sudden increase in ATP mindful of fortold brain activity, extremely forgiving please you should be.

    Remember to touch a heart everyday you're alive!! TAAA- :)


    Mich, pigeon hole was awesome. Hope everything's okay, get out for a fresh sniff of air whenever you can, and remember your lovelies posing under the spotlights on grey marble tiles!! Love, and friends are for love. :)

    Jie, do share your new songs on your beloved speakers a little cute girl gave to you. Happy uni-ing:)

    Mel, no! I haven't viewed it..don't think they recorded it!! Coming back to visit any time soon? ;) please pray for Casey!!

    Kare, I have a part time job as a humourous clown on my crazy blog. haha. Yeah, I guess I can if i want to, speak to my abc friends everyday so it's been good practice hahaha. still weird though!!:) Teach me ur accent next time!

    Queen, love you too. These past few days have been a rush and an exponential (sounds familiar) learning curve. See you at GK!:)

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 9:34 PM

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 9:33 PM

    Friday, April 13, 2007

    The Story of the Lost Key

    Once upon a time, there lived 3 princesses and a queen.

    These 2 princesses adored their queen mother very much even though she was rather fierce.

    The elder princesses were the most playful of the lot, always causing stress to the queen mother.

    However, one fine day, the eldest princess lost her key, and found them locked out of their castle! Or rather, boxed up...

    The youngest princess thought of a brilliant plan...

    So they mustered all the courage they had, to search far and wide for the missing key.

    Times were tough, but there was still peace and harmony(?!?) in the royal household.

    Suddenly, they spotted a locksmith! The queen mother was so elated and they evolved into a big royal group hug!!

    Phew!! Friday the 13th proved nothing but a big royal family bonding session!!! :)

    *Disclaimer: Any resemblance to mature 20 and above year olds, are nothing but a pure coincidence. This is an rehearsal for the upcoming "The Queen and I" series, coming out on Seven, in '07.

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 10:47 PM


    And last year, when we thought we knew how to serve...

    Esther 4:14

    For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 10:26 PM

    Thursday, April 12, 2007

    rawr: hey dear, thank you for being strong:) daddy may want to drive up to brissy this july, so if i can visit you, i def will!!:))

    mich: yeah!! we were thinking of dancing/singing with our camp group cos we were co-leaders..but no time to prepare haha. small world, cya tomorrow at the horrid far away land. ;) oh EH. im making mango pudding for you all too, so can we just like chill somewhere (eyes your apartment) and not walk so much..cos like it's gonna be hot and my feet are gonna hurt, and like the faraway land is very boring to me..and i try so hard not to complain but.......!?!?! and oh jie and i passed hazard perception with 71% ;) super dodgey lar!!

    kare: hahaha do they have cute accents? hahahaha. can you speak with an accent now??:)

    cherie: oooh were you in love with my invisible socks, long nails and my obsessive compulsive disorder with my hair?? -__-

    deb: i hope you're happy so i can be happy:) :) are you really going to ntu now?? when does uni start? :)

    hy: OOOHH now that you mention..hahaha. i thought there was a similar acronym about sgp/sg-sth..haha i dunno. anw!! okay lar, i know its quite ex..=(

    3 hopeful ways to make ms eng happy-

    1) Sit at the corner of your sofa/bed, drink milo and read, preferably with the quilt on your lap to snuggle. (Today)

    2) Gather long lost friends on a big bed and yak your heart away. Add pillows and honesty. (Tomorrow)

    3) Go skydiving with Celeste. (July)

    hahahahaha, to infinity and beyond!!!

    see, no need to try too hard yeah? ;0)

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 3:45 PM

    Wednesday, April 11, 2007

    Beautiful is Your creation, You're glorious in every way.
    You surround us with Your faithful love, we can trust in all You say.

    With Your hand in mine, there's nothing we cannot do together:)

    Cos You've won my heart. You've captured all of me.

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 7:16 PM

    Tuesday, April 10, 2007


    The journey to Rawson Village with Jie, Oliver, Eddie and Bernard...

    Met my group, Eternal. This is only half the group!!:) They're an awesome bunch!

    The worship team!!!

    The real worship team AIYA.

    Praying for Daryl, whom we're all proud of:)
    Then met up with the Parkvillians!!:) Yon How hahahaha, booked as one of my future first passengers for now:)

    I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. Tong Shuk In!!!:)) I really am -hugs :)

    Knowing Joyce was one of the good things of camp!!:))
    And we grew in the Lord too:) Acapella with the team:)

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 11:34 AM

    hy: haha what's sgd arh? keep hearing pp talk about it, but not sure hahaha..so you're saying you dont have sgd???? -blank look- hahaha..come here and i'll get you some abcs hahaha:)

    mich: hahaha some part true..but chin-aussies are okay, mainly cos their parents are still true-blue chinese haha. hahaha very funny mich..jimmy keeps talking about quack, you keep talking about wes..you all are one weird bunch hahaha:)

    kare: yar i noe!! it's really funny haha wonder how she came up with it..hehehe..how's vancouver's abcs?? hahahaha

    cherie: hahah cherie is jealous right..dont bluff..no lar i didnt kiss her..it's optical illusion. why would i, im straight remember hahaha (in case you forgot) hehehe:) -wrinkles nose-


    I'M BACK!!!:)

    I think people are starting to think that I party/play alot cos of my blog..but NO I MUG HARD TOO. hahaha. Don't worry, if you are, because studies are absolutely important to me too!:) I love the units I'm taking, maybe save for developmental biology, so it's been alright so far:)

    Anyway, that's not the point!! I'm back from Easter Camp woohoo! Was reading my last year's post about Easter Camp..well, this one's no different cos God moved too :)

    I think the highlight of the camp for me was the Ministry talk by Jensen. I've been feeling very drained and tired the past few weeks because of not balancing ministry well enough. I just read Queen's blog on Pak Ken's phrase for her- God's grace is sufficient for you.

    Grace is something close to my heart because I've experienced His grace so many times in my life. Grace.

    Why do I serve? Why do you serve?

    Alot of my inspiration comes from my leaders. They serve with a humble heart, with a teachable spirit. But God reminded me yesterday, that my inspiration should also come from Him.

    Only when my focus is right, will I be able to serve with a heart that pleases God. Then it wouldn't matter where I'm serving, who I'm serving with, but only Who I'm serving.


    April 8 in my calendar:

    There can be no happiness equal to the joy of finding a heart that understands- Victor Robinsall.

    What God has promised, God will fulfil.

    At the foot of the Cross- Kathryn Scott, Vertical Music

    At the foot of the cross
    Where grace and suffering meet
    You have shown me Your love
    Through the judgment You received

    And You've won my heart
    Yes You've won my heart
    Now I can

    Trade these ashes in for beauty
    And wear forgiveness like a crown
    Coming to kiss the feet of mercy
    I lay every burden down
    At the foot of the cross

    At the foot of the cross
    Where I am made complete
    You have given me life
    Through the death You bore for me

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 10:52 AM

    Thursday, April 05, 2007

    Quote of the day which made me rofl (=roll on floor laughing)

    On the ABC issue,

    "I also wanna find my cute ABC... but here in Singapore??? ... maybe can find CAB only ...

    CAB = chao ah beng!!!"


    I really hope June can come during our sem break!!:)


    heartme` twirled her pencil at 4:57 PM

    mian: haha yup, green day for you and queen lar, count me out hahaha. i like black and grey now:)

    yan: ehhhhh!! what are you doing now, are you at uni alr? which uni, what course?? hahah. it's Indonesia, I went on a mission trip with my church in '04. :) Poi's in Canada!!:)

    shuk: yes shuk!! yeah we wont be in the same group haha..but anyhow..rem to bring my stuff!!:) just those 2!!:) yay i'll see you real soon!:)

    anna: haha anna! just finished talkin to you on msn hahaha..okay, i'll get to that email after my camp..yeah i love the blue seas and the mountains!!:) come to aust -chants!! :)

    lyn: hey!!:) yeah, i think it's great to do whatever we can in small ways:) oh really..it must be great seeing how your money goes into good use:)) My mum's coming May 15!! 3 days before her birthday!:))

    cherie: haha random youu!! muacks love you too:)) -pats ur head and runs away hahahahaha

    debo: coming whennnn...okay, just update whenever you have new news hahaha. im okay, easter break is here..haha. still have to catch up on my work, but it's okay! new house..maybe 1.5 more year's time..yeah..will DEF have you as one of our first few guests when new house comes!!:) jie wants to get a doggy then too!!:) mum's coming 15may lar!!

    rawr: hahahaha i think she's not coming so soon..but she's def one of our main targets hahaha..however, the targets seem listless and uninterested..maybe we should show them more pics of aust!!:)


    YAY!! praise God for helping me through my 3 tests this week haha. Actually they weren't that hard cos 2 were MCQs..but hehe, still something okay!:) The law test was interesting..it's about Criminal Procedure..did you know that anyone of us can make a citizen arrest 'anytime'? hahaha..

    anw, I've got Easter Camp tmr..(mumbles..i wish i could just sleep in and go for Easter service somewhere) but I'm glad I'll get to meet the Parkville pp and catch up with them!:) yay. Probably gonna be my last EC, so better make this worthwhile!:)

    Due to me thinking I'd have to cut down my social events cos of these 3 tests, I missed Kristabel's 1st month, Collette's bday, Charise's 2nd bday, some bbqs and a jamming session with Kiran. =(

    BUT!! I still went for Darlene's 21st! and the Melb Food Festival with the SC girlies:)

    Emerie and Darlene:)

    Happy 21st!:))

    Melbourne Food and Wine Festival-
    It was a meeting of the dogs:)
    Okay, we're actually following the girl in the pic which Kai didn't take hahaha!
    Chocolate chocolate...
    Advertising for the Fina swim championships...haha...
    Bea, Sam, Carol, Kai, Yixin and Shihan!!:))

    heartme` twirled her pencil at 3:33 PM